
  1. History’s Story
  2. Wanderers and Settlers: The Ancient Middle East to 400 B.C.
  3. The Chosen People: Hebrews and Jews, 2000 B.C. to A.D. 135
  4. Trial of the Hellenes: The Ancient Greeks, 1200 B.C. to A.D. 146
  5. Imperium Romanum: The Romans, 753 B.C. to A.D. 300
  6. The Revolutionary Rabbi: Christianity, the Roman Empire, and Islam, 4 B.C. to A.D. 1453
  7. From Old Rome to the New West: The Early Middle Ages, A.D. 500 to 1000
  8. The Medieval Mêlée: The High and Later Middle Ages, 1000 to 1500
  9. Making the Modern World: The Renaissance and Reformation, 1400 to 1648
  10. Liberation of Mind and Body: Early Modern Europe, 1543 to 1815
  11. Mastery of the Machine: The Industrial Revolution, 1764 to 1914
  12. The Westerner’s Burden: Imperialism and Nationalism, 1810 to 1918
  13. Rejections of Democracy: The InterWar Years and World War II, 1917 to 1945
  14. A World Divided: The Cold War, 1945 to 1993
  15. Into the Future: The Contemporary Era, 1991 to the Present
to Top of Page

Links for Chapter 5
Imperium Romanum: The Romans


For the Romans in general read from: LacusCurtius Into the Roman World and United Nations of Roma Victrix.

Mary R. Lefkowitz and Maureen B. Fant, Women's Life in Greece and Rome: selections about various aspects of life affecting women in Greece and Rome from their book.

Model of the City of Rome: views of Rome based on 19th-century model at the University of Caen (some in French).

40 maps that explain the Roman Empire

Mary Beard: why ancient Rome matters to the modern world: essay by a prominent historian

The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10: cute video by popular author John Green


On the Roman Republic

Rome’s Transition from Republic to Empire

The Fall of Rome and the Lessons for America: essay on the fragility of democracy.

It Isn’t the Fall of the Roman Empire That’s Relevant, Stupid. It’s the Fall of the Roman Republic.

: essay connecting troubles in the Republic to divisions in America in 2021.


On Imperialism

Roman Imperialism between Republic and Empire: summarized essay of Carlos Noreña.

An empire of many colours? Race and imperialism in Ancient Rome: essay on Oxford blog

De Imperatoribus Romanis ("On the Rulers of Rome"): short biographies of rulers and descriptions of battles.

From Monty Python's Life of Brian: What have the Romans ever done for us?: satire of the positive side of imperialism.


On the Early Empire

The Roman Empire in the First Century.

The Roman Empire (27 B.C.–393 A.D.): from Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History


Last Updated:2023 June 1