Links for Chapter 15
Into the Future: The Contemporary Era, 1980 to the Present
On the Wars in the Persian Gulf
Gulf War Debriefing Book: most useful for info on military technology.
On the Internet
A Brief History of the Internet: An anecdotal history of the people and communities that brought about the Internet and the Web: quick survey of internet development.
History of the Internet, Internet for Historians (and just about everyone else): an illustrated brief history of computers, internet, e-mail, search engines
Rise of Authoritarianism
Fascism on the rise: where does it come from, and how to stop it, with a common European response: perspective of an adiosory comittee to the European Parliament.
On the Rise of Neo Fascism in Contemporary Germany: personal essay from 2014.
The Right's Fixation of Roman Virtues: analysis of cultural themes.
What is Critcal Race Theory, and Why is Everyone Talking About it?: explanation by three law professors.
Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here's Why. Opnion by a former deputy assistant to the president about the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the Capitol.
Making Sense of the Research on COVID-19 and Masks: scientists analyze the science.
The Unraveling of America: anthropological analysis of how COVID is changing history.
The Russia-Ukraine War
Why Ukraine matters to the United States: opinion on geopolitical ramifications of the war.