Sample Map Questions

For Map 2. 1 Ancient Middle East

The region formed by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers: _____________________
The river central to Egyptian civilization: _____________________
One of the first great ancient civilizations, located in northern Africa: _____________________
One of the first great ancient civilizations, located in Mesopotamia: _____________________
The rivers at the center of Sumerian civilization: _____________________
The militaristic empire which conquered much of Mesopotamia and Egypt before being destroyed in 612 B.C.: _____________________
The capital of the Jewish state of Judah: _____________________
The state founded by Cyrus “the Great”: _____________________

For Map 4.1 Hellenistic Middle East

The arm of the Mediterranean Sea central to Greek Civilization: _____________________
The western edge of Asia Minor populated by Greeks: _____________________
The ruler who established an empire reaching from Macedon to the Indies: _____________________
The empire conquered by Alexander “the Great”: _____________________
The Hellenistic city in Egypt founded by Alexander and named for himself: _____________________
The city which was the home of direct democracy and the “Golden Age” of classical Greece: _____________________
The polis which defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon: _____________________
The polis against which Sparta fought the Peloponnesian Wars: _____________________
The polis against which Athens fought the Peloponnesian Wars: _____________________
The polis whose soldiers briefly defended the pass of Thermopylae against Persian invasion: _____________________
The Hellenistic Kingdom ruled by the dynasty of the Ptolemies: _____________________
The region known as “Greater Greece”: _____________________

For Map 5.1 Roman Europe

The most important city-state of the Phoenicians, later destroyed by Romans: _____________________
The city-state attacked by Rome in the Punic Wars: _____________________
The city-state whose general Hannibal invaded the Italian peninsula with elephants: _____________________
The body of water considered by the Romans as “our lake”: _____________________
The peoples who lived on Rome’s northern border in Central Europe: _____________________
The people who lived north of Rome’s border in Britain: _____________________
The desert that formed the southern border of the western Roman Empire: _____________________
The city of which Augustine was bishop: _____________________

For Map 7.1 Dark Age Europe

The city with which Constantine replaced Byzantium: _____________________
The part of the Roman Empire that survived in Eastern Europe until 1453: _____________________
The general name of the kingdoms founded by Germanic invaders of Great Britain: _____________________
The peninsula where Islam was founded: _____________________
The main Muslim cities of Andalusia: _____________________
The city of which the popes were bishops: _____________________
The people who lived to the north of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms: _____________________
The people Charlemagne conquered to expand his empire in the northeast: _____________________

For Map 7.2 Europe, 800

The part of the Roman Empire that survived in Eastern Europe until 1453: _____________________
The general name of the kingdoms founded by Germanic invaders of Great Britain: _____________________
The empire founded by the Frankish family of the “Charles’s”: _____________________
The city established by Charlemagne as his new capital and as the center of the Carolingian Renaissance: _____________________
The political states granted by the Carolingians to the popes: _____________________
The city of which the popes were bishops: _____________________
The main Muslim cities of the Ummayyad Caliphate: _____________________ _____________________

For Map 8.1 Europe, 1200

The state ruled by Otto “the Great”: _____________________
The city where Emperor Henry V signed a concordat with the papacy ending the Investiture Struggle: _____________________
The Christian kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula whose capital became Toledo: _____________________
The Duchy from which William “the Conqueror” invaded England in 1066: _____________________
The body of water crossed by William “the Conqueror” to invade England in 1066: _____________________
The state surveyed by King William recorded in the Domesday Book: _____________________
The country ruled by Henry II Plantagenet: _____________________
The country ruled by King John: _____________________
The country ruled by Philip II “Augustus”: _____________________
The country ruled by Philip IV “the Fair”: _____________________
The country where King John signed the Magna Carta: _____________________
The state that developed Parliament: _____________________
The state that developed the Estates-General: _____________________
The region conquered by the Seljuk Turks within the Byzantine Empire: _____________________
The mountains crossed by Emperor Henry IV as he invaded Italy: _____________________
The province in southwest France kept by the English from Henry II to the Hundred Years War: _____________________
The capital of the new Christian Crusader states in Palestine: _____________________
The state created by the Teutonic Knights: _____________________
The city in which Christians found many manuscripts which they used for a cultural revival in Western Civilization: _____________________

For Map 8.2 Europe, 1450

The city in which popes resided during the so-called “Babylonian Captivity” between 1305 and 1377: _____________________
The city other than Rome and Pisa in which popes resided during the so-called “Great Schism” 1378-1415: _____________________
The two states that fought the Hundred Years War: _____________________ _____________________
The province on the Danube River which was the center of power of the Habsburg dynasty: _____________________
The city where the Renaissance began: _____________________
The capital of the Habsburg territories: _____________________
The kingdom which controlled the eastern Iberian and the southern Italian peninsulas: _____________________
The two kingdoms which would form Spain upon the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella: _____________________ _____________________
The empire which fell to the Ottomans in 1453: _____________________
The major merchant city other than Genoa and Venice which controlled the Mediterranean: _____________________
The major merchant city other than Pisa and Genoa which controlled the Mediterranean: _____________________
The major merchant city other than Pisa and Venice which controlled the Mediterranean: _____________________

For Map 9.1 Europe, 1648

The country ruled by Queen Elizabeth I: _____________________
The country ruled by King Philip II: _____________________
The capital built by King Philip II: _____________________
The city which was the main base for evangelism by Calvin: _____________________
The country in which the Puritan Revolution took place: _____________________
The city in the north of the Adriatic Sea which built a major maritime empire: _____________________
The city with which the Ottomans replaced Constantinople: _____________________
The empire which ruled most of the Balkans by 1648: _____________________
The most important Dutch city, the economic capital of the world in the 17th Century: _____________________
The palace built by King Louis XIV: _____________________
The country ruled by King Louis XIV: _____________________
The capital of the British Empire: _____________________
The country also known as either the United Provinces, or Holland: _____________________

For Map 9.2 The West in the World, 1648

The continent first targeted by the Portuguese for conquest and trade: _____________________
The state which first began the “Voyages of Discovery”: _____________________
The continent rounded by Vasco da Gama on the quest to reach the Indies: _____________________
The continent used as a source for slaves to import into the Americas: _____________________
The body of water crossed by Columbus to find the Indies: _____________________
The continent on which New France was located: _____________________
The treaty in which the pope divided the world between Spain and Portugal: _____________________
The name of the Dutch colony in North America: _____________________
The name of the islands Spain had as a colony in the Pacific: _____________________
The name of the Portuguese colony in South America: _____________________

For Map 10.1 Europe, 1815

The capital of Russia founded by the Romanov dynasty: _____________________
The city built by Peter the Great as a new capital for Russia: _____________________
The capital of the France after the revolution began: _____________________
The capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: _____________________
The capital of the Papal States: _____________________
The capital of the Austrian Empire: _____________________
The location of the peace conference that settled the Napoleonic Wars: _____________________
The capital of the Kingdom of Prussia: _____________________
The capital of the Russian Empire: _____________________
The capital of the Ottoman Empire: _____________________
The new German state founded by the Congress of Vienna: _____________________
The new state in the northwest of the Italian Peninsula created as a bulwark against France: _____________________
The new state at the mouth of the Rhine created as a bulwark against France: _____________________
The straits between the Black and Mediterranean Seas controlled by the Ottoman Empire: _____________________

For Map 12.1 Europe, 1871

The kingdom at the mouth of the Rhine which separated from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1830: _____________________
The state at the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula which won its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1829: _____________________
The capital city of the Second German Empire: _____________________
The state ruled by Otto von Bismarck as chancellor: _____________________
The capital of the French Republic: _____________________
The capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: _____________________
The state created by the expanded Kingdom of Sardinia/Savoy/Piedmont: _____________________
The capital of the Kingdom of Italy: _____________________
The capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: _____________________
The capital of the Russian Empire: _____________________
The capital of the Ottoman Empire: _____________________

For Map 12.2 Europe, 1911

The capital of the Second German Empire: _____________________
The capital of the French Republic: _____________________
The capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: _____________________
The capital of the Kingdom of Italy: _____________________
The capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: _____________________
The capital of the Russian Empire: _____________________
The capital of the Ottoman Empire: _____________________
The straits between the Black and Mediterranean Seas controlled by the Ottoman Empire: _____________________
The three states carved out of the Ottoman Empire in 1878: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
The three states that made up the Triple Entente: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
The three states that made up the Triple Alliance: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
The state that most promoted yugo-slavism: _____________________
The state that most promoted pan-slavism: _____________________
The canal connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea: _____________________
The city where Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand: _____________________

For Map 12.3 The West in the World, 1914

The only significant colony controlled by Belgium: _____________________
The continent divided up by the European powers between 1884 and 1914: _____________________
The colony of islands in the western Pacific taken from Spain by the United States: _____________________
The island in the Caribbean taken from Spain by the United States: _____________________
The state in which the United States built a canal connecting the Pacific and Caribbean: _____________________
The colonial power that ruled Indochina: _____________________
The colonial power that most of northwest Africa: _____________________
Britain’s two large colonies in the South Pacific, east of the Indian Ocean: _____________________ _____________________
The colonial power that ruled the East Indies: _____________________
The colonial power that ruled Egypt, Kenya, and the Union of South Africa: _____________________
The British colony in which the Sepoy Mutiny took place: _____________________
The colonial power that ruled India: _____________________

For Map 13.1 World War II

The state invaded by Japan to begin World War II in Asia: _____________________
The capital of the United States of America: _____________________
The cultural capital of Western Civilization after World War I: _____________________
The body of water crossed by to provide supplies to its European Allies: _____________________
The body of water crossed by Japan to attack the USA at Pearl Harbor: _____________________
The three cities where the Soviet Union held off the Nazi invasion: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
The cities on which the United States dropped atomic bombs: _____________________ _____________________
The capital of the Japanese empire: _____________________
The military base attacked by Japan to bring the US into the war: _____________________

For Map 14.1 Cold War Europe

The two states divided up and occupied by the victors of World War II: _____________________ _____________________
The capital of Poland: _____________________
The city which gave its name to the Soviet Union’s military alliance: _____________________
The ocean which gave its name to the North American and Western European military alliance: _____________________
The two states first helped with the Truman Doctrine: _____________________ _____________________
The state where the Soviets crushed an independence movement in 1956: _____________________
The state where the Soviets crushed an independence movement in 1968: _____________________
The capital of Czechoslovakia: _____________________
The city which gave its name to the Czechoslovak attempt to modernize communism: _____________________
The city which the Soviets set up a blockade in 1948-1949: _____________________
The city where the communists built a wall to prevent further defections to the West: _____________________

For Map 15.1 Common Market to European Union

The six original members of the Treaty of Rome: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
The city where the European Commission sits: _____________________
The state in which Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh were murdered: _____________________
The state in which Jean Marie LaPen was a politician: _____________________
The state in which Jorg Haider was a politician: _____________________
The country from which came the post-modern theorists Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault: _____________________

For Map 15.2 Europe, 2010

The island divided by Greeks and Turks: _____________________
The state in the Balkans which began to break up in 1989: _____________________
The first two states to proclaim independence from Yugoslavia: _____________________ _____________________
The mixed ethnic state from former Yugoslavia attacked by both Croatia and Serb-dominated rump Yugoslavia, then defended by NATO: _____________________
The state having gained independence from Yugoslavia which has problems with Greece over its name: _____________________
After 1999 the breakaway province from Serbia which had become inhabited by ethnic Albanians, then defended by NATO: _____________________
The capital of the newly reunited Federal Republic of Germany: _____________________
The state which returned Hong Kong to China in 1999: _____________________
The four European members of the G7 states: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
The city where the European Commission sits: _____________________
The capital of Belgium: _____________________
The capital of Russia: _____________________
The claimed capital of Israel: _____________________
The capital of the United Kingdom: _____________________
The city that suffered subway bombings in 2005 carried out by Al-Qaida: _____________________
The capital of France: _____________________
The capital of Italy: _____________________
The capital of Spain: _____________________
The city that suffered commuter train bombings in 2003 carried out by Al-Qaida: _____________________

Last Updated: 9 February 2019